Change is Good! Right??
If your child was in Early Childhood at Escuela last year, you’ll remember the iPads we used for signing in and signing out, right? In these Covid-days, we do not want to use anything that will be touched by many people …. So, no iPads. However, for safety reasons, (and, in the future, for billing reasons) the school needs to have a record of who our students go home with and when they left. Thankfully, our wonderful tech guru, John, devised a system connected to the school’s database that enables us to use a simple scanning technique.
Here’s how it works:
Each parent or adult who has permission to pick up an Escuela student will receive his or her very own unique ID card. It has a QR code (an example card is pictured below). When you arrive to pick up your child, an Escuela employee will scan your card. The information gets downloaded to our database; It’s as simple as that!
The catch, of course, is that you will need to remember to bring that card! We suggest you leave it in your car or wallet. Currently, we have only made ID cards for parents, which were passed out Monday morning during drop-off. If you have grandparents or babysitters/nannies that regularly pick up your students, please email the office and we will get cards made for them.