As we head into the final jaunt to the end of the semester, we just want to remind our community of some drop off and pick up procedures we have in place to help us all!
Drop off for all students is from 8 am to 8:30 am. We understand that morning can be unpredictable and things don’t always go according to plan, but out of courtesy for our staff, please try to arrive in this window. If you arrive after 8:30 to drop off your child, please call the Office (505-242-3033) and proceed to the South Parking Lot. A member of the admin team will meet you at the Blue Gate to check that your student’s health screening has been completed and get them signed in for the day. Please do not let your child in the blue gates during regular school hours (8 am 3:45 pm). A member of the admin team needs to facilitate your child’s arrival and departure during those times.
Midday pick up is from 12:15-12:30 pm. Schoolday pick up is from 3-3:30 pm. If you need to pick your student up outside of these designated times for any reason, a member of staff must be present to sign out your child. Please email the Office (and your child’s teachers) ahead of time to ensure the smoothest transition possible for your child. When you arrive in the South Parking Lot, call the Office (505-242-3033) and we will walk your child out to you. Please remember that, for the time being, families are not permitted on campus during regular school hours (8 am-3:45 pm). If you have questions about this policy, please email the Office.