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Trekking Builds Capacity for Growth

Outdoor education has always been an integral part of Escuela’s program. History, culture, geology, biology and more come alive through lessons and experiences out in the world.

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Inside Escuela: Care of the Environment – Part 3 in a Series

Care of the Environment can relate to space at home, in the classroom, the playground, neighborhood… the entire planet! Caring for their environment allows children to connect with the classroom or home, and helps build a sense of responsibility for their surroundings.

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Inside Escuela: Care of Others – Part 2 in a Series

Activities related to Care of Others provide a great sense of joy, accomplishment, and contribution. It feels wonderful to help others, and as children grow they develop skills that allow them to make more and different contributions to their family and community.

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Master Plan in Action: The Story of the Harwood Roof

The building that now houses the Harwood Art Center and Sr. Elementary is 96 years old, and had a story to tell, filled with interesting facts. When we came to see the building and roof for the first time, we did some investigative work and began to learn more.

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Master Plan in Action: Capping Off Our Roofing and Solar Array Project

Part of Escuela del Sol’s and Harwood Art Center’s 2016 Master Plan included an outline for making the campus a more sustainable entity in our urban oasis in downtown Albuquerque, which included installing a solar array on the top of our historic Harwood building. After the damaging hail storms of 2019, it became clear that before the solar panels could be installed, a new roof was going to be needed (thank goodness for insurance!). After much planning and pandemic backlog, both projects were finally able to happen this summer!

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Inside Escuela: Care of Self – Part 1 in a Series

Throughout all Planes of Development, activities related to Care of Self help children gain independence. This important work also supports neurological development that lays a foundation for coordination, concentration, abstract thinking, and executive function. And children really love this work! It builds the knowledge that caring for yourself throughout your life is valuable and important.

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