Hard work is child’s play

Keeping Our Quaranteam Strong in the Second Semester

Dear Escuela Families,

Now that we are solidly into the second semester of our 2020-2021 school year, we have a lot to look forward to …. and a lot of questions that still need answers. I look forward to the day when I don’t feel compelled to start a communication with news, or lack of news, about COVID! For now, though, it is still one of the topics at the top of the list.
As our New Mexico Department of Health celebrates almost 217,000 vaccines administered, questions are coming from our community of families currently enrolled. Top among those are hopes for travel and visitor quarantine restrictions to be lifted: can families finally visit from out of state? I asked our staff to research this question; what we learned is that NM policies have not changed as of now. As I’ve emphasized since the start of this pandemic, our goal at Escuela del Sol is to be as cautious as possible in order to continue enabling our students to learn in person, on campus, the way they learn best: together, collaboratively.
It should be noted that as far as we know, the vaccine can protect the persons who have received it, it does not prevent transmission to others.
Escuela will continue to follow public health policy (NMDOH), guidance, and requirements from the NM Early Childhood department (ECECD) and CDC guidelines. For the time being, here are some helpful links to more information:
From the CDC: Behavior After Receiving Vaccine (The general overview of this being “do not change your behavior just because you’ve been vaccinated.”)
NMDOH: Travel Restrictions (No changes.)
NMDOH: Common Vaccine Questions (Helpful information about the vaccine and how you should behave after receiving it.)
I would like you all to consider something that has been on my mind: Our school is still well within the 25% occupancy and other operating guidelines; in fact, we are exceeding that and other requirements regarding the numbers of children on campus. As we get into this second semester we do see, quite clearly, that larger groups of peers for social, emotional, and academic reasons would benefit our students. We will approach any growth very carefully, with guidance from our teachers and you, our Escuela Quaranteam. We will keep you all very much in the loop, asking for opinions, concerns, and guidance from you while we keep our students’ needs at the forefront, enabling them to thrive. 
In the meantime, our Quaranteam remains strong, our community continues in good health;  let’s dig deep, keep our resolve strong and keep our community safe.

Forward together!
Friedje vanGils
Head of School