Cyber attacks are at an unprecedented high, and we are continuing to raise awareness about the dangers of phishing, when malicious emails or text messages seem legitimate How do you avoid being a victim? Be suspicious of unsolicited phone calls, visits, or email...
Hard work is child’s play
2023-2024 Staff Meeting Schedule
Staff Meeting Schedule As we prep for the coming school year and self-study as part of the accreditation process, we have planned weekly staff meetings that will help us focus on the various accreditation criteria. Staff meetings will be on Mondays from 3:45-4:45 p.m....
2023 August Set Up Schedule
Set-Up Weeks Schedule Hello Escuela + Harwood Staff, Here is the tentative set-up schedule. You will note that the first official day is Thursday, August 3. We are trying something a little different this year for two reasons – to give the staff that have worked all...
Summer Camp Schedule
Teaching for Black Lives: Week of Action
Week of Action: February 27 – March 3
New Year, New Policies
As we move towards an endemic phase of Covid, having an operating plan dedicated solely to pandemic protocols is no longer adequately serving our community. To reflect that shift, we have changed the name of the Covid Operating Plan to the Campus Operating Plan. This...
Staff Gifting Guide 2022
For families wishing to gift faculty and staff, below are staff responses to the 2022 "Favorite Things" questionnaire. If someone you wish to gift for is not listed below, feel free to reach out to the Office and we will do what we can to send gifting guidance your...
Great Google Calendar Shift
In the continuing saga of transferring over to Google, calendar migration from “Office” to Escuela’s Google Calendar begins this Thursday. For most of you, the shift from the old calendar to the new one isn't much you'll need to pay attention to as the "Office"...
Extended Day Is At Capacity
Extended Day is Full At Escuela del Sol, we work diligently to support children and families with quality extended day care and enrichment classes. Extended Day for Primary and Elementary has reached full enrollment this semester and so we can no longer accept...
Red Room: RSV
There has been a confirmed case of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) in the Red Room. The student was last on campus on Monday, October 24. Because this illness has been identified in the classroom, we recommend consulting a medical...