Parents to the rescue! Maybe a tad dramatic, but that’s how it feels to me when I am able to ask members of our parent community to advise on issues both legal and medical.
Hard work is child’s play
Latest News
Preparation for School Closure
As I understand it, the state is requiring this for containment reasons. Unless the Governor says something to the contrary during her press conference tomorrow morning, Escuela will of course be closed as well.
Ms. Sharayah Shares Her Training Experience
This school year, Ms. Sharayah will do four weeks of practice teaching. Her training through the Montessori Institute of San Diego will wrap up this summer as part of AMI (Association Montessori Internationale) training program.
Anit-Bias, Anti-Racism Workshop
In early October, many Escuela staff members participated in a one-day workshop – Introduction to Anti-Bias, Anti-Racism Education, conducted by Crossroads Antiracism Organizing & Training. They are a non-profit dedicated to dismantling racism and promoting anti-bias education.
Community Safety Meeting
The Escuela safety meeting held last Tuesday was very informative; I think I speak for all that were there when I say we learned a lot! Lead City officials took time from their very busy schedules to speak to our community of parents, artists and staff, as did one of our own Escuela parents.