Observe in Our Classrooms!
Calling all parents, grandparents, family, and friends of Escuela! Curious about what learning looks like in our Escuela classrooms? We invite you to come observe in one of our Toddler, Primary, Elementary, or Jr. High communities!
We have begun the detailed process of the American Montessori Society (AMS) reaccreditation. An essential part of this process includes asking members of our community to observe in classrooms. Your input and observations will help us provide invaluable insight for AMS. Observations will begin in March.
Current families are not allowed to observe in their student’s classroom. For that reason, we are asking that you schedule an observation for a level other than the one your student currently attends. For example: Primary families are encouraged to observe in Toddler, Elementary, or Jr. High; Elementary families in Toddler, Primary, or Jr. High, etc.