Check out the Art & Sol Fall 2022 after-school enrichment offerings
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Taught by professional instructors and teaching artists, children have the opportunity to explore a variety of subjects. All workshops are held on the Escuela + Harwood campus and meet once a week for 10 sessions. Afternoon snack is included. Elementary clubs run after school from 3:30-4:45 p.m. Pick-up will be available between 4:45-5 p.m. with Extended Day.
PAINTING CLUB with Ms. Sara Baecher – Mondays
Students in Painting Club will experiment with foundational techniques using drawing, painting, and collage. They will work on projects of their interest combined with creative themes centered around the season. This club is open to all Elementary students.
HIP-HOP CLUB with Mr. Albert Rosales – Tuesdays
Students in Hip-Hop Club will have the opportunity to explore the varied elements of Hip-Hop including dance practice and artistic projects. Techniques in dance and artistic expression will be developed, as well as self-confidence and a basic understanding of hip-hop fundamentals. This club is open to 3rd – 6th year students.
NATURE ART CLUB with Ms. Lindsay Brenner – Wednesdays
Students in this hands-on class will spend loads of time outdoors exploring, creating, and making art with found materials. We may use things such as leaves, dirt, sticks, seeds, and other types of natural matter. This club is open to 1st – 4th year students.
Questions? Please contact Harwood Arts Education Coordinator Ruby Rodriguez or Elementary Level Director Sarah Louderbough.
***Children enrolled in Extended Day receive a 45% discount on club fees.***
***Children who are not in Extended Day but enroll in multiple clubs receive a 10% discount on club fees.***